If I were to travel...

If I were to travel, I would chose to go to Malta.

My Mums side of the family is from Malta, so I have been brought up surrounded by Maltese culture, food, and language. Can I speak Maltese? Nope. Which is a shame, however since I've heard it all my life, I can comfortably sit in a room full of my relatives who are speaking Maltese (loudly) and waving their hands, and I can even gather a bit of what they are saying.

I hear the stories of Malta from my Nana (Grandma) and Nanu (Grandpa), and I see the sadness in their eyes that their beloved country is changing rapidly, but their joy and pride is certainly evident!

It excites me to, hopefully, travel to Malta one day and visit places I've only seen in pictures yet heard so much about.

Source: The Telegraph

- Susannah


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