This will be our last blog :( BUT! it's the most special yet!!

We have uploaded our travel vlog onto YouTube!!

Be sure to check out and enjoy all the different places we visited and took footage of!

Here are the comments from each of us letting you know how the idea and end product of the vlog came along!!

Kevin: During the length of this project, i contributed immensely on a brainstorming standpoint, as i had many ideas and different ways to attack the task at hand. Originally, the idea was to write a rap song about travel, however due to the lack of recording equipment we decided that it would be better to come up with a new idea. Antonia decided that a group skype call type video would really capture the idea of long distance travel and the effects it would have on individuals. Following this idea, Susannah and Megan thought it would be ideal to compile a montage of videos of us as individuals travelling. With my recent holiday to Japan at the beginning of this year, I had an abundant amount of footage to share. With this, Antonia; our star-editor made the video we have today.

Antonia (Antong): I decided to volunteer myself as tribute to be in charge of editing this travel vlog for our group!! I have always been interested in creating media content for YouTube, so I definitely enjoyed the hours spent working on it! With the coorperation and team work from the whole group, we were able to put some great footage of our travels together! Susannah initially came up with the idea of travelling to some touristy destinations within Sydney and vlog the FREE adventures, tours and places we could participate in and visit! The whole group was on-board with the idea, but unfortunately our university timetables could not allow us the free time we wanted to travel and shoot together! Kevin's idea of writing a rap came along, which lead to Megan's thoughts of simply uploading our adventures together onto a Google Drive, created a simple but affective way of showcasing all the diverse places we have all travelled to! Kevin's rap could not be executed due to lack of resources, so I came up with the idea of connecting everyone together by video calling! It ended up being a very entertaining and funny process throughout the whole editing part of the vlog! Many thanks to the whole group, as we made a great effort working together to finish off with a creative final product!!

Susannah: My contribution to this video consisted largely of the provision of footage for the video, and communication with group members to ensure that the video would get done.
I had also attempted to facilitate a time for the group to meet up to gather footage, with the idea of us going on a small day trip. However, due to our busy schedules, this was not going to happen. Instead, we have compiled holiday footage to allow viewers to gather a sense of where we have been.
I was also responsible for setting up a Google Drive folder where we could all upload our seperate footage, creating easy access for Antonia in order to put it together.

Megan: Susannah attempted to organise a time to meet so we could collaborate together. However we quickly realised that meeting up to get footage together would be difficult because of our busy schedules. I brain stormed ideas for ways to include all of us in the video, without needing us all in the same place. This also allowed for us to use various technology to make the images available to all group members. Susannah set up a google drive folder so all out footage could be collated in one place. I proposed the idea of a Skype call styled video simulating all group members in different parts of the world for holidays. This also worked well because our blog was based on individual travels, not group travels. I contributed drone videos from my travels, and videos simulating a Skype call.
Kevin contributed footage from his recent japan trip, susannah from her Coogee travels, and Antonia from her many worldwide travels for table tennis.
We initially proposed the idea of creating a voice over rap of our trips which Kevin was going to make, however it proved difficult given the time constraints and lack of sufficient equipment.
Antonia was responsible for the final product, combining all the elements into creating the video she envisioned. Absolute superstar!

We hope you enjoyed our blogs and this vlog!!


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